Moose Kicking Tee: Revolutionizing Rugby Kicking

A Completely New Way to Support Ovoid Balls for Training and Game Use

While teaching his son to penalty kick a rugby ball, Design Edge realized that if the drop punt technique was used for penalty kicks in Rugby Union and Rugby League, kicking accuracy and consistency would improve. The drop punt uses the best impact point for accuracy; above the toes on the foot centerline, requiring the foot to pass through underneath the ball unimpeded. This in-line action is more repeatable than current cone kicking tees that require kicking with the inside of the foot.

Moose is a completely new way to support ovoid balls for training and game use. The core innovation provides space for the foot to kick straight through under the ball, enabling the accurate drop punt technique to be used. The design innovation is the antler 4 point ball support that allows critical ball contact and flight. There are no other products with this unique feature.

The ball needs to be supported almost tangentially to the ball surface, resulting in high outwards forces countered with tough and strong polypropylene antlers. The snap-fit antlers enable easy carrying in kit bags. Narrow and broad bridges give width options for the range of ball shapes and sizes. For safety and a quality feel, the antlers are two-shot over-molded in soft TPE. This provides an action look with white swoops over the red antler sides and soft zones where needed for safety.

The tee was designed to minimize environmental impact by providing a long service life, avoiding early replacement, and making the most of the material and production techniques employed. Product disassembly allows for ease of transport and minimal space for shipping before purchase, contributing to reducing the carbon footprint.

Moose supports balls from junior to full size with different ball shapes for Rugby Union, Rugby League, and AFL, Australian Rules Football League. The ball can be angled forwards or backwards for different kick distances. Designed to be visible on the field and not easily lost after training sessions, the snap-fit assembly is easy and keyed for correct antler orientation. The tee includes a molded-in direction indicator to show novice and young users the correct kick orientation.

The project started design development in Sydney, Australia, in February 2013 and finished in November 2013 when 6,000 Tees were manufactured in Dongguan, Guangdong, China. Concept tests were done with a number of wire test rigs to resolve the optimal 4 support points. Prototypes were field-tested extensively with players and coaches, and feedback was assessed and incorporated where appropriate. Repeated prototype experimentation fine-tuned the form and the minimum material required.

Moose is a completely new way to support ovoid balls for training and game use. The Moose Tee provides space for the foot to kick straight through under the ball, enabling the drop punt technique to be used. The 4-point contact supports on the antlers are positioned to allow clean ball flight. There are no other products with this feature. The Moose significantly improves kicking accuracy and consistency.

Image Credits: Image 1 Photographer Peter Hardin, Hero Moose Photograph, 2014 Image 2 Photographer Peter Hardin, Hero with AFL ball, 2014 Image 3 Photographer Peter Hardin, Ball position varied, 2014 Image 4 Photographer Peter Hardin, Packaging, 2014 Image 5 Photographer David MacKay, Insitu with goal posts, 2014

Awards and Accolades: This Design was awarded Silver in A' Sporting Goods, Fitness and Recreation Equipment Design Award in 2015. Silver A' Design Award: Rewarded to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Sandy Richardson
Image Credits: Image 1 Photographer Peter Hardin, Hero Moose Photograph, 2014 Image 2 Photographer Peter Hardin, Hero with AFL ball, 2014 Image 3 Photographer Peter Hardin, Ball position varied, 2014 Image 4 Photographer Peter Hardin, Packaging, 2014 Image 5 Photographer David MacKay, Insitu with goal posts, 2014
Project Team Members: Sandy Richardson Shannon Day David MacKay
Project Name: Moose
Project Client: Sandy Richardson

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